Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Weather Camp Presentation 2009: Sea Breeze Interactions In Florida, And What The Reactions Are From Some Of those Interactions

This post is based on the presentation I made for the 2009 Jackson State University Weather Camp.

To start off, we have to ask the question, "What is sea breeze?". The answer to that question is below...

Sea breeze is wind from the sea that forms on the land near the coast.

Why and how does it form?

Sea breeze forms because of a temperature difference over the land and water, which together to create a pressure gradient over the land. This difference causes higher pressure and cooler air to move inland.
There are six main steps of sea breeze formation, given below.
1. Warm air over land rises.
2. Sea breeze moves inland.
3. Clouds develop and move towards the sea.
4. Upper level return of the land breeze.
5. The cool air aloft sinks over the water.
6. Sea breeze front forms.

The sea breeze can interact with other atmospheric features, and often form pulse thunderstorms. Here is an image that shows the East and West Coast sea breeze, as well as an outflow boundary interacting to form a tornado in Tampa.

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